2 is application software that allows companies to easily manage and control the issuing of safety equipment, complying with industry statutory requirements, as well as company regulations. It is the solution to the management challenges that many industries and companies face with the distribution of personal protective equipment (PPE). This results in better control over fast moving stock items, money savings, and the maintaining of auditable records of PPE issues.
PPE entitlements (code of practice) can be setup on various levels which range from a high level occupations structure, down to a detailed group-to-item link which is stored in a relational database design for guaranteed data integrity. A generic enquiry tool provides historical transactional views as well as a comprehensive list of reporting options.
2 not only maintains detailed records by individual but also provides peace of mind by ensuring your code of practice is adhered to. Any exception to COP is escalated to a supervisor or safety officer for approval.
The 2 COP functionality complies with DMR legislation requirements to cater for women in the mining sector. Both the employee as well as the PPE stock item gender indicators are available throughout 2, from raising a requisition to approvals and also when issuing goods over the counter.
The 2 unit is a standalone self-service kiosk where individuals can inquire or request their own personal protective equipment (PPE) for their working environment.
Contact us today for a free, no obligation quotation!